Monday, March 30, 2009

Weekly Schedule March 30 – April 2

All Classes


Assignment Due: 1st Years: Song, Poster / 2nd Years: Timeline, Report

Topic: Students are going to take a practice AIMS writing test. All work will be done in class.

Assignment: AIMS writing practice


Assignment Due: None

Topic: AIMS writing

Assignment: None


Assignment Due: None

Topic: Students will create a Famous Scientist Wanted Poster using Microsoft Word. All work should be completed in class.

Assignment: Wanted Poster


Assignment Due: Wanted Poster

Topic: Students will finish their Famous Scientist Wanted Poster using Microsoft Word. All work should be completed in class.

Assignment: Wanted Poster to be completed

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Weekly Schedule for March 23 – March 26

1st Year Science


Assignment Due: Tackle Trash

Topic: Enviro-Tacklebox: Module 5: Processes and Cycles in the Environment: Behind the Numbers - "Behind the Numbers" links population fluctuations to changes in various abiotic and biotic factors.

Assignment: Students will create a poster defining a biome and the relationships of the organisms within it. This assignment will be done entirely in class.


Assignment Due: At the end of class, the poster will be due.

Topic: Continued from Monday

Assignment: Quiz


Assignment Due: None

Topic: The Inside Story with Slim Goodbody: The Team that Hustles: The Story of Your Bones and Muscles - This program explores how bones and muscles give us shape, motion, and protection. Slim Goodbody identifies the composition of bones and different types of bone. He examines the role of voluntary, involuntary, and cardiac muscles, and shows how muscle cells work together. We learn the difference between ligaments and tendons, and how exercise is an important way to keep muscles healthy.

Assignment: Using the Kids Health website, students will create a song about bones and muscles. Quiz


Assignment Due:

Topic: The Inside Story with Slim Goodbody: The Smart Parts: The Story of Your Brain and Nervous System - This program introduces the brain, spinal cord, and nerves, and shows how they make up the nervous system. Slim Goodbody illustrates the major brain regions and their functions, and demonstrates how different parts of the brain control different bodily activities. He also discusses how the autonomic nervous system works.

Assignment: Using the Kids Health website, students will create a song about the brain and nervous system. Quiz


2nd Year Science


Assignment Due: None

Topic: Enviro-Tacklebox: Module Three: Topics and Issues in Environmental Science: Non-Native Invasion - The number of non-native plants and animals found in North America has risen dramatically with the increase in travel and commerce. These invasive species put ecological pressure on the native species with which they compete for resources. Join host Greg Grandy and the Enviro-Tacklebox student reporters as they explore some environmental impacts and measures used to control these invasive species. Viewers will travel to Boston's Logan Airport, Stone Laboratory in Ohio, and the swamps of Louisiana.

Assignment: In cooperative groups students will investigate local non-native/invasion species. Each group should strive to make a list of at least five examples of non-native/invasion species animals and plants found in local or state environments.


Assignment Due: Non-Native Invasion due at end of class.

Topic: Non-Native Invasion – continued from Monday.

Assignment: Students will select, research, and report on one non-native/invasion species.


Assignment Due: None

Topic: Enviro-Tacklebox: Module 4: Forces in the Environment: The Earth: Work in Progress - The forces released during earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and sinkhole formations result in dramatic change to the Earth's surface, often redesigning local habitats. In "The Earth: Work in Progress," the Tacklebox Team introduces students to several scientists researching these processes and forces of change in our environment.

Assignment: Groups of two students will research specific natural disasters and their impact on humans and the environment for the last 25.


Assignment Due: The Earth: A Work in Progress due at end of class.

Topic: The Earth: A Work in Progress – continued form Wednesday.

Assignment: Students will report their findings and use a computer to develop a timeline of natural disasters. Then students will use the timeline to predict possible natural disasters for the next 25 years for different locales.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

500 Extra Credit Points

Over the years I have noticed that there are works of literature, books, which affect people in profound ways. Books like Catcher in the Rye, Lord of the Rings, and the Harry Potter series have affected people in this way. When I was a young man I read a book called Dune that changed the way I looked at many aspects of politics and religion. I can’t say how many times I’ve read Dune since then; but I’ve probably gone through 6 copies of the book. Today there is another book series, or saga, that has captured many young people; I am, of course, speaking of the Twilight Saga.
Why do these books capture us? I think it’s because the characters relate to us on a deeper level than other books. We feel we know, or are like, these characters. Maybe you’re Jasper, calming others by your presence. It could be Carlisle, that would be me, viewing the world in a detached, intellectual way. Or maybe you’re Rosalie, Dallas’ fav, always longing for something you can no longer have. It may be a character in another book; who knows, maybe you’re Captain Underpants!
If you would like to earn some extra points in social studies write a story with your character as the star. The story must be different from the original book, but the character must be the same. Imagine Edward coming to Havasu for spring break! Maybe Harry Potter would come to America and meet other wizards at the Telesis Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry. How about Remus Lupin coming to La Push and hanging out with Jacob? How about the Baudelaire kids traveling to Arizona to check out the local vipers?
Have some fun, make it 3 pages typed, and earn 500 points.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Extra Credit Assignments

Students may decide among the following:
1st Years:
· Presidential Poster (400 pts each) – Create a poster describing one of our presidents. The poster must contain biographical information, information on the United States at the time of their election, and information on events that occurred during their term(s). The poster must be colorful and creative.
· Battle Map (200 pts each) – Create a poster that illustrates a Revolutionary War, War of 1812, Mexican War, or Civil War battle. The poster must contain information regarding the geography of the battle, the generals in charge, and must colorfully illustrate the battles itself.
· Totem Pole (400 pts each) – Create a totem pole. Students must be able to explain why they have chosen the figures on the totem.
2nd Years:
· World Monument (400 pts each) – Create a three dimensional model of a famous world monument such as the Eiffel Tower.
· Travel Brochure (200 pts each) – Create a travel brochure about a foreign country. The brochure must contain historical, geographical, and current information about the country. It must be 3-panel, two sided, and be colorful.
· Government Poster (400 pts each) – Create a poster describing a form of government found in the world today (Use CIA Factbook for a great list).
Students may complete more than one project, but they must choose one for their level. I will accept these extra credit assignments until April 30th.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Weekly Schedule March 9 – March 12

1st Year Science

Assignment Due: Pseudoscience
Topic: How to Prepare a Science Fair Project - The purpose of this program is to acquaint students with the many steps and procedure of preparing a science project. The emphasis is on the importance of long-range planning and scheduling. In addition to helping students become organized in their approach, the program will also describe how to go about selecting a topic, conduct research, develop a hypothesis, incorporate the scientific method into the project, organize notes, set up and conduct an experiment to test theories, organize and write the abstract and research paper, construct and design an exhibit, and conduct an oral presentation.
Assignment: Project & Quiz
Assignment Due:
Topic: How to Prepare a Science Fair Project – continue planning.
Assignment Due: Everyday Science - Lab
Topic: Enviro-Tacklebox: Module Two: Decisions Based on Science: Tackle Trash - Follow our student reporters as they examine environmental issues brought about by the growing amounts of waste that our society generates. Viewers are introduced to noted garbologist Dr. William Rathje and the renowned Banana Slug Band. In "Tackle Trash," the students look closely at their personal buying habits and explore the benefits and decisions associated with societal waste.
Assignment: Home Garbage Survey & Quiz
Assignment Due: Home Garbage Survey
Topic: Trash…It Really Piles Up!

2nd Year Science
Assignment Due: Pseudoscience
Topic: How to Prepare a Science Fair Project - The purpose of this program is to acquaint students with the many steps and procedure of preparing a science project. The emphasis is on the importance of long-range planning and scheduling. In addition to helping students become organized in their approach, the program will also describe how to go about selecting a topic, conduct research, develop a hypothesis, incorporate the scientific method into the project, organize notes, set up and conduct an experiment to test theories, organize and write the abstract and research paper, construct and design an exhibit, and conduct an oral presentation.
Assignment: Project & Quiz
Assignment Due:
Topic: How to Prepare a Science Fair Project – continue planning.
Assignment Due:
Topic: Enviro-Tacklebox - Module 3 - Topics and Issues in Environmental Science - Spin on Sprawl: Each year hundreds of thousands of acres of land are converted from green space-forests and farmland to residential and commercial centers. In "Spin or Sprawl," the Enviro-Tacklebox team travels the country to investigate some of the effects of sprawl-flooding, habitat loss, and additional commuting time. Along the way, the efforts of some locations like Portland, Oregon, and Celebration, Florida, to implement "smart growth" and "growth boundary" initiatives will be examined.
Assignment: Essential Services
Assignment Due:
Topic: Spin on Sprawl
Assignment: Creating Communities

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Weekly Schedule March 2 – March 6

1st Year Social Studies

Assignment Due: America under James Polk
Topic: Everyday Science: Discovering the Scientific Method - Follow your curiosity as some everyday phenomena are explained scientifically. Observation of a rainbow turns into an explanation of the components of "white light" as they are separated by a prism. Ice cubes floating in a glass of water illustrate the concepts of density and volume. A rotating machine run by the heat of candles exemplifies the concept of convection. Musical instruments show that the size of a space determines the pitch of sound created in it. Join Tom and Rosa, two young visitors to the house of the wise Mrs. Williamson as they reveal the mysteries behind everyday science.
Assignment: Worksheet & Quiz
Assignment Due: Everyday Science Worksheet
Topic: Everyday Science - Lab
Assignment: Everyday Science - Lab
Assignment Due: Everyday Science - Lab
Topic: Metric Mania – Students will learn about the basic units of the metric system.
Assignment: Worksheets
Assignment Due: Metric Mania
Topic: Pseudoscience - A pseudoscience is a set of beliefs that appear to be based on scientific ideas but that fail to obey the most basic rules of science. Students will be required to identify and research a pseudoscience.
Assignment: Worksheet due 3/12

2nd Year Social Studies

Assignment Due: Money and Castle Project
Topic: How Scientists Work: What Is Scientific Inquiry? - From the beginning of human history, natural phenomena have puzzled people and caused them to ask questions. Scientific inquiry is about answering these questions through investigation. Scientific inquiry is not a precise set of procedure, but rather a broad approach to investigation that ranges from very open-ended to very controlled investigations. Scientific Inquiry begins with questions: “Why? What’s going on? How is this explained?” In this program, we will follow Sherlock Holmes-type investigations in the everyday and natural worlds, leading to some surprising and fun discoveries.
Assignment: Worksheet & Quiz
Assignment Due: What Is Scientific Inquiry? and Castle Project
Topic: How Scientists Work: What Is the Scientific Method? - The scientific method is a time-tested set of procedures used to create an accurate view or representation of the world. Using these procedures, anyone can repeat the experiments that lead a scientist to a result or group of results. In this program, junior scientists show how anybody can find new laws of science through perseverance and careful recording of data.
Assignment: Worksheet & Quiz
Assignment Due: What Is the Scientific Method?
Topic: How Scientists Work: What Is Pattern Discovery? - Recognition of the basic patterns in nature has led to advancements in hunting, agriculture, and civilization itself. In this program, we will see that science includes the study of consistent patterns in nature and that scientific explanations explain relationships between patterns. Students also learn that their brains have been wired to recognize patterns and that pattern recognition is really fun and easy.
Assignment: Worksheet & Quiz
Assignment Due: What Is Pattern Discovery?
Topic: Pseudoscience - A pseudoscience is a set of beliefs that appear to be based on scientific ideas but that fail to obey the most basic rules of science. Students will be required to identify and research a pseudoscience.
Assignment: Worksheet due 3/12