This is our schedule for the week ending September 5th, 2008. It is important to remember that these schedules are not etched in stone. Our firm belief in adjusting our curriculum to meet the needs of students sometimes causes slight changes. It is important to note that ample time is given in class to complete most assignments. There are occasional projects, spanning a week or more, that will require students to work outside of class. There will be no more than one of these per month. If you have any questions, please contact me at extension 38.
1st Year Social Studies
We will continue studying US Geography. Each day we will cover a different region. Class work will consist of packets, three days for each of four packets, in which students will create detailed state maps from generic state outline maps. Students will be given time in class to work on the packets, but some time may be needed at home. There are a number of links on my blog that will provide all the information needed.
Assignment Due: None
Topic: US Geography: From Sea to Shining Sea: Southeast Region - Viewers learn of the region's rich history, from early settlers through the Civil War, to the birthplace of the civil rights movement. The way in which a primarily agrarian economy changed to one of diversified manufacturing, service, and communications is detailed. There will be a quiz.
Assignment: Southern Region Packet – Due 9/10
Assignment Due: None
Topic: US Geography: From Sea to Shining Sea: Midwest and Great Plains Region - This program explores a region often called the Heartland because of its location. Viewers learn about the importance of agriculture to this region's growth and the contributions of manufacturing, mining, and commerce as well. A visit to Chicago shows how this city grew to become a powerful commercial center of the region. There will be a quiz.A segment of US Geography: From Sea to Shining Sea: Midwest and Great Plains Region
Assignment: Southern Region Packet cont. – Due 9/10
Assignment Due: Southern Region Packet
Topic: Class period will be given to complete Southern packet.
Assignment: Southern Region Packet – Due 9/10
Assignment Due: None
Topic: US Geography: From Sea to Shining Sea: South Central Region - This program explores and chronicles the history of this region as it has become one of the nation's fastest-growing economic centers. Viewers will learn how the diversity of the people, challenges of the past, natural beauty of the landscape, and uniqueness of the geography have all shaped the people of the South Central region. There will be a quiz.
Assignment: Midwest Region Packet – Due 9/16
2nd Year Social Studies
We will continue studying World Geography. Each day we will cover a different region. Class work will consist of packets, two days for each of seven packets, in which students will gather general information about each country in the region and then answer general questions about the region. Students will be given time in class to work on the packets, but some time may be needed at home. There are a number of links on my blog that will provide all the information needed.
Assignment Due: South America Packet
Topic: World Geography South America - Explore your world with a virtual tour of the globe! This collection of videos will take your students to every country and region of the world.
Assignment: None
Assignment Due: None
Topic: World Geography: Europe - Explore your world with a virtual tour of the globe! This collection of videos will take your students to every country and region of the world.
Assignment: Europe Packet – Due 9/11
Assignment Due: None
Topic: World Geography: Europe - Explore your world with a virtual tour of the globe! This collection of videos will take your students to every country and region of the world.
Assignment: Europe Packet cont. – Due 9/11
Assignment Due: Europe Packet
Topic: World Geography: Africa - Explore your world with a virtual tour of the globe! This collection of videos will take your students to every country and region of the world.
Assignment: Africa Packet – Due 9/16
Assignment Due: MyPyramid Chart
Topic: Live Right, Grow Right: It's the Only Body You've Got - A catchy song introduces two teenage hosts, Damian and Alexandra. They talk to the audience in an entertaining way about all the rules of growing up; eating right, getting enough exercise and sleep, avoiding cigarettes and drugs, practicing good hygiene, recognizing mental distress and following safety regulations. Four other kids tell about their personal experiences with weight loss, smoking, a skating accident and depression. Among the problems discussed are anorexia, communicable diseases, peer pressure to drink or smoke, and the results of too much stress. Damian and Alexandra conduct true or false quizzes for audience participation and present a succinct set of rules for taking good care of “the only body you’ve got”. There will be a quiz.
Assignment: None
Im sorry Mr. Lawslo I will try better for you I promise
Mr. Lawslo Im sorry for not trying my very best and I know you want me to go up to seventh grade me to. Its just I sit by Nathaniel in class, and he distracts me and I know im not suppost to blame other people, "take responsebility for my actions" I know that, I just want to move away from him so I can consentrate on getting up to seventh grade starting now. I will make you proud.
im doing grat now I might get free dress this week, thanks alot you helped me alot.
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