Saturday, September 13, 2008

Weekly Schedule September 15th – September 19th

This is our schedule for the week ending September 19th, 2008. It is important to remember that these schedules are not etched in stone. Our firm belief in adjusting our curriculum to meet the needs of students sometimes causes slight changes. It is important to note that ample time is given in class to complete most assignments. There are occasional projects, spanning a week or more, that will require students to work outside of class. There will be no more than one of these per month. If you have any questions, please contact me at extension 38.

1st Year Social Studies

We will continue studying US Geography. Each day we will cover a different region. Class work will consist of packets, three days for each of four packets, in which students will create detailed state maps from generic state outline maps. Students will be given time in class to work on the packets, but some time may be needed at home. There are a number of links on my blog that will provide all the information needed.

Assignment Due: Southern Packet
Topic: US Geography: From Sea to Shining Sea - Mountain West Region - Viewers will see that all the states in this region have two things in common: they all have mountain ranges with high elevations, and they all share a dry climate. Viewers will also see the profound impact these two features have had on the region's economy, development, and heritage. There will be a quiz.
Assignment: Midwest Region Packet – Due 9/17

Assignment Due: None
Topic: Class period will be given to complete Midwest packet.
Assignment: None

Assignment Due: Midwest Region Packet
Topic: US Geography: From Sea to Shining Sea - Pacific West Region - The Pacific West Region has some of the most diverse and spectacular scenery of any part of the United States, and yet each state has one thing in common-the Pacific Ocean. Viewers learn how the geographical features and climate of this region have shaped its settlement, development, and economic growth. There will be a quiz.
Assignment: Western Region Packet – Due 9/22

Assignment Due: None
Topic: Class period will be given to complete Western packet.
Assignment: None

2nd Year Social Studies

We will continue studying World Geography. Each day we will cover a different region. Class work will consist of packets, two days for each of seven packets, in which students will gather general information about each country in the region and then answer general questions about the region. Students will be given time in class to work on the packets, but some time may be needed at home. There are a number of links on my blog that will provide all the information needed.

Assignment Due: Europe Packet
Topic: World Geography - Africa - East and North Africa
Assignment: None

Assignment Due: Africa Packet
Topic: World Geography - Africa - West Africa
Assignment: None

Assignment Due: None
Topic: World Geography - Asia and the Pacific - Central, Southwest, and East Asia
Assignment: Asia Packet – Due 9/22

Assignment Due: None
Topic: World Geography - Asia and the Pacific - Southeast Asia and the Pacific
Assignment: None


Assignment Due: None
Topic: Live Right, Grow Right: It's the Only Body You've Got - A catchy song introduces two teenage hosts, Damian and Alexandra. They talk to the audience in an entertaining way about all the rules of growing up; eating right, getting enough exercise and sleep, avoiding cigarettes and drugs, practicing good hygiene, recognizing mental distress and following safety regulations. Four other kids tell about their personal experiences with weight loss, smoking, a skating accident and depression. Among the problems discussed are anorexia, communicable diseases, peer pressure to drink or smoke, and the results of too much stress. Damian and Alexandra conduct true or false quizzes for audience participation and present a succinct set of rules for taking good care of “the only body you’ve got”. There will be a quiz.
Assignment: None

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