Sunday, December 9, 2007

Weekly Schedule December 10th – December 14th

This is our schedule for the week ending December 14th, 2007. It is important to remember that these schedules are not etched in stone. Our firm belief in adjusting our curriculum to meet the needs of students sometimes causes slight changes. It is important to note that ample time is given in class to complete most assignments. There are occasional projects, spanning a week or more, that will require students to work outside of class. There will be no more than one of these per month. If you have any questions, please contact me at extension 38.

1st Year Social Studies (Period 1 & 3) – This week we will continue our study of the colonies. Students will also be assigned a biography of one of the following people: John Smith, William Penn, Lord Baltimore, Roger Williams, Anne Hutchinson, or James Oglethorpe. The biography must be typed, Times New Roman font, double spaced, with standard margins. The biography is due December 20th.

Monday: We will continue to compare and contrast the Magna Carta, Mayflower Compact, Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights.

Tuesday: We will be studying the New England Colonies. The New England Colonies of Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, and Rhode Island all share Puritan roots. This program examines the origins and beliefs of the Puritan religion. It also explains why Puritans were persecuted in England and why they wanted to settle in America. The circumstances surrounding the creation of each New England colony is detailed, but particular attention is given to the Pilgrims of Plymouth and the founding of Massachusetts. The many ways that Puritanism manifested itself in New England are described and the “Triangle Trade” is explained. There will be two worksheets and a short quiz.

Wednesday: We will be studying the Middle Colonies. This program tells the stories of the Middle Colonies of New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania. This region, which lies between the southern colonies and New England, was originally colonized by settlers from Holland and Sweden and was later seized by England so it has a distinct history. Slavery was not a big factor in the middle colonies, nor was Puritanism. Special emphasis in this program is given to William Penn, a man whose influence was felt in the development of three different colonies. There will be two worksheets and a short quiz.

Thursday: We will be studying the Southern Colonies. The Southern Colonies of Virginia, Maryland, Georgia, and North and South Carolina were very distinct from England’s other American colonies because their economic success was based on slave labor. This program tells the stories of these colonies. Beginning with England’s first attempts at colonization on Roanoke Island in the 1580s, this program examines the motivations for founding each southern colony. The problems colonists faced in settling new territory and interactions with American Indians are detailed. The role of slavery, conflicts with Spain, colonial exports, and methods of government are also examined. There will be two worksheets and a short quiz.

2nd Year Social Studies (Period 2 & 4) – We will be studying Mesopotamia and begin studying Ancient Egypt.

Monday: We will view “Mesopotamia: Trade Routes and Transportation.” For the Sumerians, the Tigris River served as an important early trade route. See how they traveled by river and overland to trade with India and Egypt. Then examine how technological advances, such as the cart, facilitated transporting people and goods.

Tuesday: We will be studying the Code of Hammurabi. The Code of Hammurabi (also known as Codex Hammurabi) is one of the earliest and best preserved law codes from ancient Babylon, created ca. 1760 BC (middle chronology). It was enacted by the sixth Babylonian king, Hammurabi.[1] Earlier collections of laws include the codex of Ur-Nammu, king of Ur (ca. 2050 BC), the Codex of Eshnunna (ca. 1930 BC) and the codex of Lipit-Ishtar of Isin (ca. 1870 BC).[2]

Wednesday: We will be viewing “Ancient Egypt: The Gift of the Nile.” Three thousand years before the rise of the Roman Empire, the Nile River gave birth to one of the most wondrous civilizations ever to grace the earth-Ancient Egypt. Students explore the colossal tombs and temples of the pharaohs. They learn how the Egyptians built mountains of stone to honor dead kings and queens and protect their mummies forever. Students meet Amun-Ra (Rê), the sun god, and Horus, the protector of kings. Ancient Egyptian civilization finally passed into history, but the river remains.

Thursday: We will view “Great Egyptians.” Gender, age, and cunning were behind three of ancient Egypt's most intriguing rulers — and left indelible marks on the history of the country. Hatshepsut: Queen Who Became King — She declared herself King of Egypt and got away with it. Peek into her incredibly successful 22-year reign. Tutankhamen: Mystery of the Boy King — Victim of foul play? What happened to the 11-year-old king whose life was a clash between childhood and kingship? Cleopatra: Last of the Pharaohs — Discover how Cleopatra used shrewd political instincts to seduce the Roman Empire into restoring Egypt's greatness. We will decide “Who Killed King Tut?”

Health –

Friday: We will be examining ways to resolve conflict.

1 comment:

The Dirty Blood Projects said...

This is very informaninaltion........