Sunday, October 19, 2008

Weekly Schedule October 20 – October 24

1st Year Social Studies

Assignment Due: People of the Northwest Coast

Topic: Exploring the World - The Age of Exploration Begins - This program provides an historical introduction to the great Age of Exploration, which began nearly 600 years ago. Through animated maps and colorful live-action images from around the world, students learn how people lived in the year 1400. They discover how new inventions helped make world exploration possible. They learn how Europe's trade with Asia was conducted and discover how constraints on that trade helped give rise to the Age of Exploration.

Assignment: Exploration Timeline, 10-23 / Worksheet, Due 10-21 / Quiz

Assignment Due: The Age of Exploration Begins Worksheet

Topic: Exploring the World - Christopher Columbus and the New World - This program examines the life of one of history's most important and controversial figures - Christopher Columbus. Through beautiful photography, students visit important historical sites in Spain, and share in the fear and excitement of Columbus's first voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. Columbus's historical role as the found of Spain's first colony in the New World and as the discoverer of the first reliable sea routes across the Atlantic are also presented.
Assignment: Worksheet, Due 10-22/ Quiz

Assignment Due: Christopher Columbus and the New World Worksheet

Topic: Exploring the World - Spanish Explorers of North America - This program looks at the accomplishments of the first Europeans to explore lands that are today in the United States of America between the years 1513 and 1543. The Spanish explorers came to find gold, claim new lands for their king, and covert native people to the Christian faith. This fascinating program was filmed on location at de Leon, Narvaez, Cabeza de Vaca, DeSoto, Coronado, and Cabrillo.

Assignment: Worksheet, Due 10-23 / Quiz

Assignment Due: Spanish Explorers of North America Worksheet

Topic: Exploring the World - The English Come to America - Jamestown and Plymouth - This program takes a look at the first English settlements in America: Jamestown and Plymouth. By viewing this program students will find out who the colonists were, from where they came, why they came, how they crossed the ocean, and the things they did to create settlements in the American wilderness.
Assignment: Worksheet, Due 10-27 / Quiz

2nd Year Social Studies

Assignment Due: None

Topic: This week we will be studying Mesopotamia. There will be several assignments: a timeline for Mesopotamia, an outline of the Mesopotamian civilization, and a poster that will be created by groups during class. Each day there will be a short video about different aspects of the Mesopotamian civilization.

Assignment: Mesopotamian Timeline, Due 10-23 / Mesopotamian Civilization Outline, Due 10-23 / Poster, Due 10-23

Assignment Due: None

Topic: Mesopotamia - From Nomads to Farmers - Explore the agricultural practices and technological devices that led to the rise of civilization in Mesopotamia. Meet the nomadic people who became farmers. And see how they established city-states, developed specialized work skills, and advanced organized religion.

Assignment: Quiz / Continue working on: Mesopotamian Timeline, Mesopotamia Civilization Outline, and Poster

Assignment Due: None

Topic: Mesopotamia - The Development of Written Language - In the area between the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers, the Sumerians developed a written language. Examine how they carved cuneiform characters into clay tablets and then explore Sumerian myths.

Assignment: Quiz / Continue working on: Mesopotamian Timeline, Mesopotamia Civilization Outline, and Poster

Assignment Due: Mesopotamian Timeline, Mesopotamia Civilization Outline, and Poster

Topic: Mesopotamia - Trade Routes and Transportation - For the Sumerians, the Tigris River served as an important early trade route. See how they traveled by river and overland to trade with India and Egypt. Then examine how technological advances, such as the cart, facilitated transporting people and goods.

Assignment: Tablet Project Due November 6th

Health –

Assignment Due: None

Topic: Respect: Give It, Get It - Uses scenarios close to young children's experiences, peer hosts, and lively songs to help students gain an understanding of the importance of respect and empathy in their lives. The program illustrates the problems that arise from disrespecting other people's property and feelings. Focusing on developing self-awareness and compassion, the presentation makes it clear that when students show respect for the rights and needs of others, they increase their own self-respect. There will be a quiz.

Assignment: None

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