Monday, April 20, 2009

Weekly Schedule April 20 – April 23

1st Year Science

Assignment Due: Changes in Matter
Topic: Careers in Science – Students will explore career opportunities in science and will make a poster promoting these careers.
Assignment: Poster
Assignment Due: Poster
Topic: Careers in Science – Students will explore career opportunities in science and will make a poster promoting these careers.
Assignment: Finish Poster
Assignment Due:
Topic: Rules of Motion and Forces - Facts About Forces (8 min.)—See how gravity and friction keep us grounded. Laws of Motion (6 min.)—In this segment, overcome inertia with Newton’s laws of motion. Rotation and Revolution (4 min.)—Discover why a day is not 24 hours. How We Fly (3 min.)—Take to the skies and experience how we fly.
Assignment: Quiz
Assignment Due:
Topic: Basics of Physics: Exploring the Laws of Motion - This program is dedicated to Newton’s Laws of Motion. Though Isaac Newton lived long before speedy forms of transportation he was able to formulate the three laws of motion which help to explain many of the natural phenomenon we come across on a regular basis. These three laws help us to understand why we are pulled from side to side on a speeding roller coaster or why we fall forward when the brakes of a car are suddenly applied. They help us to understand how a rocket is able to blast into space and then maneuver without brakes. They even help us to understand the principles behind carnival and amusement park rides.
Assignment: Worksheet and Quiz

2nd Year Science
Assignment Due: How Cells Reproduce and Unit Test
Topic: Careers in Science – Students will explore career opportunities in science and will make a poster promoting these careers.
Assignment: Poster
Assignment Due: Poster and Career Worksheet
Topic: Careers in Science – Students will explore career opportunities in science and will make a poster promoting these careers.
Assignment: Finish Poster
Assignment Due:
Topic: Basics of Biology: What is Life? - Get your junior scientists off to a good start as they learn that the science of biology is the study of life. Viewers will see and hear about the characteristics of all living things and how they contrast to characteristics of nonliving things. Learn how all living organisms are made up of cells.
Assignment: Worksheet and Quiz
Assignment Due: What is Life?
Topic: Basics of Biology: The Kingdom of Animals - Rich live-action imagery excites the imagination as students learn some basic facts about the incredible diversity that exists in the animal kingdom. Starting with one-celled animal-like protists, this program examines a variety of animal phyla: sponges, sea anemones, spiny-skinned animals, flatworms, nemertine worms, segmented worms, mollusks, arthropods, and vertebrates.
Assignment: Worksheet and Quiz

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