Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Weekly Schedule: April 26 – April 30

1st Year
Testing Relief Day
All students should be ready to participate in Google Groups!
Spelling: Possessives
Grammar: Double Negatives
Information Skills: All should be completed!
Vocabulary: Posttest on Hobbies & Activities Vocabulary
Comprehension: All should be completed!
Due Friday: Your New Parks
New:  No Rules (Due May 7)
Language Arts: Listening & Speaking - 01 - Asking About Avalanches
Math Facts: 33. Division by 3, 4
Assignment: 15 - Reasons for the Seasons / Quiz
Information Skills: All should be completed!
Vocabulary: Pretest on Special Words Vocabulary
Comprehension: All should be completed!
Grammar: Pronouns: Subject and Object
Language Arts: Listening & Speaking - 02 - Group Discussions
Comprehension: All should be completed!
Math Facts: 34. Division by 5, 6
Assignment: Career Poster
Assignment Due: Reasons for the Seasons
Writing Due: Your New Parks
Health: Student Presentations / How to Say No

2nd Year
Testing Relief Day
All students should be ready to participate in Google Groups!
Spelling: Possessives
Information Skills: Directories and Schedules 
Language Arts: Acne Part B
Vocabulary: My Best Friend
Comprehension: All should be completed!
Due Friday: Lesson Learned
New: Perfect Sandwich (Due May 7)
Math Facts: 33. Division by 3, 4
Assignment: 18 - Basics of Biology - How Living Things are Structured / Quiz
Information Skills: Following Written Instructions 
Comprehension: All should be completed!
Assignment: 19 - Basics of Biology - The Human Body - Organ Systems Working Together / Quiz
Assignment Due: How Living Things are Structured
Language Arts: Acne Part B
Vocabulary: Who’s Afraid of a Little Mouse?
Comprehension: All should be completed!
Math Facts: 34. Division by 5, 6
Assignment Due: Organ Systems Working Together
Grammar: Double Negatives
Comprehension: All should be completed!
Writing Due: Lesson Learned
Health:  Student Presentations / Binge Drinking Blowout: The Extreme Dangers of Alcohol Use

Monday, April 19, 2010

Weekly Schedule: April 19th – April 23rd

1st Year
AIMS – Make-up
Health: Student Presentations

2nd Year
AIMS – Make-up
Health:  Student Presentations

Monday, April 12, 2010

Weekly Schedule: April 12 – April 16

1st Year
AIMS Writing in the morning, after writing is completed we will create a Periodic Table of Elements
Spelling: Contractions 
Grammar: Sentences: Complete, Fragment, and Run-On 
Language Arts: Research - 09 - Space Shuttle Citing
Vocabulary: The Big Day
Math Facts: 31. Review: +, -, x
Last Week: School Lunch (Due Apr. 23)
New: Your New Park (Due Apr. 30)
Assignment: Periodic Table
Assignment Due: Balloon Racers / Lever, Wheel and Axle, Pulley
Language Arts: Listening & Speaking - 01 - Asking About Avalanches
Vocabulary: A Sports Star and Me 

     Assignment: 13 - Discovering Simple Machines - Inclined Plane, Wedge, Screw
Grammar: Quiz on Lessons 8–9 
Language Arts: Listening & Speaking - 02 - Group Discussions
Math Facts: 32. Division by 1, 2
Assignment: 14 - Basics of Physics - Exploring Gravity / Quiz
Assignment Due: Inclined Plane, Wedge, Screw
Vocabulary: Do You Want to See a Show? 
Health: Student Presentations

2nd Year
AIMS Writing in the morning, after writing is completed we will create a biological classification poster
Information Skills: Quiz on Lessons 1 through 3 
Spelling: Contractions 
Vocabulary: Soccer Standout
Math Facts: 31. Review: +, -, x
Last Week: World's Fair (Due Apr. 23)
New: Lesson Learned (Apr. 30)
Assignment: 12 - Understanding Cells - Lesson Three - How Cells Reproduce
Assignment Due: Lesson Two - How Cells Work
Grammar: Sentences: Complete, Fragment, and Run-Ons
Information Skills: Investigation: Learning About a New Town 
Comprehension: North American Countries
Assignment: 14 - Basics of Biology - What is Life?  / Quiz
Assignment Due: Lesson Three - How Cells Reproduce
Vocabulary: Summers with Grandpa
Math Facts: 32. Division by 1, 2
Assignment: 15 - Basics of Biology - The Kingdom of Animals - From Simple to Complicated / Quiz
Assignment Due: What is Life?  
Grammar: Quiz on Lessons 8–9
Health:  Student Presentations

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Weekly Schedule: April 5 – April 9

1st Year
Spelling: Quiz on Lessons 17–20
New: School Lunch (Due Apr. 23)
Grammar: Quiz on Lessons 6–7
Language Arts: Research - 09 - Space Shuttle Citing
Vocabulary: It’s a Hit!
Math Facts: 29. Multiplication Review 1
Assignment: 10 - Rules of Motion and Forces / Quiz / Balloon Racer Due April 12
Assignment: 11 - Basics of Physics - Exploring the Laws of Motion / Quiz

Grammar: Simple Subjects and Predicates
Language Arts:
Vocabulary: A Letter from Camp
Math Facts: 30. Multiplication Review 2
Assignment: 12 - Discovering Simple Machines - Lever, Wheel and Axle, Pulley / Quiz
Assignment Due: Exploring the Laws of Motion
Health: Student Presentations/What About Tobacco?

2nd Year
Spelling: Quiz on Lessons 18–20
New: World's Fair (Due Apr. 23)
Grammar: Quiz on Lessons 6–7
Vocabulary: The Power of Computers
Math Facts: 29. Multiplication Review 1
Assignment: 10 - Understanding Cells - Lesson One - Life and Cells
Assignment: 11 - Understanding Cells - Lesson Two - How Cells Work
Assignment Due: Lesson One - Life and Cells
Grammar: Simple Subjects and Predicates
Comprehension: Wind, Sea & Fire
Math Facts: 30. Multiplication Review 2
Assignment: 12 - Understanding Cells - Lesson Three - How Cells Reproduce
Assignment Due: Lesson Two - How Cells Work
Health: Student Presentation/What is Hate About?

Sunday, April 4, 2010



AIMS Testing Next Week!

Circumstances have forced a change in schedule. We will be doing AIMS Writing on the 12th of April; Reading and Math will be the 19th, 20th, and 21st.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Google Animal Translater

Introducing Translate for Animals (beta): Bridging the gap between animals and humans

Making the world's information universally accessible is a key goal for Google. Language is one of our biggest challenges so we have targeted our efforts on removing language barriers between the species. We are excited to introduce Translate for Animals, an Android application which we hope will allow us to better understand our animal friends. We've always been a pet-friendly company at Google, and we hope that Translate for Animals encourages greater interaction and understanding between animal and human.

Translate for Animals is an application for Android phones that recognises and transcribes words and phrases that are common to a species, like cats for example. To develop Translate for Animals, we worked closely with many of the world's top language synthesis teams, and with leaders in the field of animal cognitive linguistics, including senior fellows at the Bodleian Library in Oxford.