Saturday, October 31, 2009

Weekly Schedule: November 2nd – November 6th

1st Year


Spelling: Quiz on Lessons 5–7

Information Skills: Adding Suffixes and Plurals

Vocabulary: Running on Empty

Writing: New Subject

Social Studies:

Assignment: 30 - French Explorers - Colonization of Louisiana and the French and Indian Wars

Assignment Due: 29 - Early Colonists


Grammar: End Marks after Sentences

Maps, Charts, and Graphs: Quiz on Lessons 1 through 5

Writing: New Subject

Social Studies:

Assignment: 31 - New England Colonists - The Pilgrims and the Puritans

Assignment Due: 30 - French Explorers - Colonization of Louisiana and the French and Indian Wars


Information Skills: Quiz on Lessons 1 through 6

Comprehension: Passamaquoddy Drum Ceremony

Writing: New Subject

Social Studies:

Assignment: Founding Documents

Assignment Due: 31 - New England Colonists - The Pilgrims and the Puritans


Grammar: Periods after Initials and Abbreviations

Maps, Charts, and Graphs: Decision Making: The Muddy Gap Concert

Writing: New Subject

Social Studies:

Assignment: Founding Documents

Assignment Due: Founding Documents


Glogster: Presidential Poster

Vocabulary: The Big Surprise

Writing Due: Favorite Animal

2nd Year


Spelling: Quiz on Lessons 6–7

Information Skills: Adding Suffixes and Plurals

Social Studies:

Assignment: 31 - Great Egyptians - Ramses the Great, Pyramid Project: Due November 13

Assignment Due: 30 - Akhenaten - The Rebel Pharaoh


Maps, Charts, and Graphs: Quiz on Lessons 1 through 5

Comprehension: The Voyage of the Mayflower, Part 2

Social Studies:

Assignment: 32 - Sneferu - King of the Pyramids

Assignment Due: 31 - Great Egyptians - Ramses the Great


Grammar: Periods after Initials and Abbreviations

Information Skills: Quiz on Lessons 1 through 6

Social Studies:

Assignment: Glogster Poster

Assignment Due: 32 - Sneferu - King of the Pyramids


Maps, Charts, and Graphs: Decision Making: The Muddy Gap Concert

Vocabulary: Planet Hopping

Social Studies:

Assignment: Glogster Poster

Assignment Due: Egypt Outline


Glogster: Presidential Poster

Writing Due: Transportation Trouble

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